We are fully committed to ensuring all our pupils’ transition to primary school is as supportive and seamless as possible.
That is why we have a comprehensive transition programme in place, filled with opportunities for you to find out more about life at Derwentwater Primary School and for us to find out more about your child, long before their first day.
After you receive your place, we invite you to attend one-to-one meetings with our Reception teachers. This is an excellent opportunity for you to ask as many questions as possible and for us to get to know your child better so that we can personalise their learning here. Our Reception teachers regularly liaise with, and visit, your child’s nursery too.
We also host a Summer Picnic, providing you and your child the opportunity to meet other new families whilst enjoying a lovely picnic. There is also the chance to meet with teachers and to familiarise yourselves with your new school surroundings.
Transition doesn’t stop on your child’s first day in September. We ensure a seamless and supportive transition in between every year group, ensuring that every child is settled, secure and ready for the next phase of their Derwentwater journey.
Every year we host a ‘Meet the Teacher’ morning for our pupils to meet their new class teacher, and a Parent Information Session for our parents too. Class teachers also meet to discuss every child’s progress.
Here’s a snapshot of what we offer to support our children between each key stage.
Reception to KS1
• Transition for Year 1 begins in the Summer Term 2 where our Reception teachers plan more focused tasks for children to complete.
• Phonics teaching continues daily with children taught in smaller groups.
• Children will still have their lunch simultaneously and in the same place and set playtimes will continue.
• SEND children or children that are anxious have the chance for extra visits with a familiar adult.
KS1 to KS2
• Children are paired with a Year 6 buddy who show them around in their first week in Year 3.
Year 6 to Year 7
• We work in close partnership with our local secondary schools to support our children’s step up to secondary school.
• Secondary school teachers visit our Year 7 children and their class teachers in the Summer Term.
• All Year 6 children attend an induction day at their new school in June/July.
Transition documents
- Welcome to Reception parent information 2022
- Welcome to Year 1 2022
- Welcome to Year 2 2022
- Welcome to Year 3-4 2022 1
- Welcome to Year 5-6 2022 3