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Pupil Journeys

Pupil Journeys

Callie is a devourer of books and facts, consuming any book she can get her hands on, so you’ll often find her sifting through the shelves of our well-resourced school library. She also has a great enthusiasm for sport, including ballet, where she can learn new skills whilst making new friends.

I love the school library which is filled with lots of interesting books. My favourite are non-fiction books about animals where I can find out lots of incredible facts.

Callie, Year 1

Zaki is striving to win Gold at the Olympics one day in the future. He is a lover of all sports and is enjoying experiencing gymnastics, football and rugby here at Derwentwater Primary School.

I really like gymnastics because you learn so many different skills and can even win badges! I would love to swim at the Olympics and be an Olympic champion.

Zaki, Year 1

A keen historian, Josephine loves to discover the stories behind famous faces who changed the world such as Christopher Columbus and Florence Nightingale. She has been able to extend her passion and knowledge by visiting various places of interest, such as the Gunnersbury Museum to participate in a Florence Nightingale workshop.

My teachers make learning fun and there are always new things to learn. Josephine, Year 2

Since joining Derwentwater Primary School, Oscar has shown an insatiable appetite for learning. The values and attitudes that the school are instilling in him has inspired him to become a police officer one day and keep people safe.

I am really proud of my English work. I know all about adjectives, nouns and verbs which has helped me to understand how to make my writing better. I am always learning something new at school.

Oscar, Year 2

Romily has thrown herself in to life at Derwentwater Primary School; from creative writing in English to problem solving in Maths and from singing in the school choir to flourishing in ballet after school - so much so that she has a range of career aspirations including a writer, teacher, artist and pilot!

The facilities at school are awesome, especially the playground and climbing frame. I’m really good on the monkey bars - I can swing from one to the next!

Romily, Year 3

Cass is a self-professed all-rounder who dreams of becoming a publisher, coder or even an artist when he is older. Cass enjoys all aspects of the school curriculum, from overcoming challenging problems in Maths to letting his imagination run wild, creating fictional characters in English.

The people here at Derwentwater are amazing – my friends help me to succeed, and teachers make lessons fun and look after us really well.

Cass, Year 3

Saad is a champion of all things creative and gleams with pride seeing her work displayed around the school. Thanks to the exceptional Art offering here at Derwentwater, she can pursue her interest and expand on her talents so that she can achieve her dream of becoming an artist in the future. Watch out for her pieces which we’re sure will be exhibited in a professional gallery for all to see!

I love bright colours and the creativity of art. I have a flower drawing that I did in Year 3 on display in The Oaks and I really enjoyed making a poppy display for Remembrance Day.

Saad, Year 4

Oscar has a passion for Science and enjoys extending his learning at home with his very own microscope! Beyond his lessons he looks forward to school trips, utilising the Edible Playground and performing for friends and family in the Christmas production.

I like studying animals and would love to be a zoologist when I grow up.

Oscar, Year 4


Lina is constructing a very bright future. She has a declared love for Maths and hopes to one day be an influential woman in the Engineering field. Lina has grown during her time at school through being able to try out a variety of activities that she would not normally have participated in such as gymnastics.

I will always remember our trip to the beach in Year 4 – it was so special especially for those that had never been to a beach before! We built sandcastles, made things using shells and seaweed and heard a talk from a lifeguard.

Lina, Year 5

Ismael believes that he has become more confident during his time at Derwentwater and has enjoyed helping his peers, whether that be on the playground or in lessons. He hopes to take these qualities with him in the future through a career as either a lawyer or doctor.

My time at Derwentwater has been fun and exciting because of the range of school trips and clubs I have been involved in, particularly football. I have also really enjoyed the exciting science experiments – one time we went to the lower hall and professionals made a big fire ball!

Ismael, Year 5

Cherae is going to change the world one day as our future Prime Minister. She has grown in confidence, developing her public speaking skills in Drama club, and has acquired leadership qualities through her role as Prefect.

My time at Derwentwater has been fun, especially English because I love writing stories and using my imagination.

Cherae, Year 6

Kairo is an adventurous and thoughtful young man. He loves helping and leading others through his role as Prefect and Sports Leader; venturing out on school trips to places such as Gunnersbury Triangle Nature Reserve; and constantly learning new things every day. He is grateful to his teachers who have helped him to succeed and be ready for life at secondary school.

One of my most memorable experiences was representing the school at a football tournament. I felt very proud, grateful and joyful.

Kairo, Year 6