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School Dinners

School Dinners

Most children have a hot school meal, prepared from fresh ingredients daily by cooks from ISS, our school caterers, in the school kitchen.


We encourage all children to have a hot school meal. Daily meal options include:

  • Meat or fish
  • Vegetarian choice
  • Freshly baked bread
  • Salad bar
  • Dessert and/or fresh fruit

Meals are planned around a three-week menu cycle, meeting all government dietary requirements for schools.  Take a look at our current menu!  Children can take any meal for any number of days with no pre-booking or notice period.  Mix and match hot school meals and packed lunches to suit your child’s food tastes.

Meals are served and eaten in the Dining Hall and Main Hall.  Children eat together with their class.

Please ensure that you either pay for school meals in advance or have a current claim for Free School Meals.  Our EFTPOS (cashless) system monitors children’s dinner accounts on a daily basis. We are under no obligation to serve a hot meal to a child unless an account is in credit or there is a current Free School Meal claim.

Registration form for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium

Free School Meals Registration Form

ISS Catering 'Feeding Hungry Minds


Allergies, food intolerance and medical conditions

If your child has a food allergy, intolerance or medical condition such as Coeliac disease or diabetes please contact Mrs Robinson, school welfare assistant, to complete a health care form and to arrange contact with a member of staff from ISS. You will be asked to complete a form; the caterers may request a face-to-face meeting to discuss your child's dietary requirements.

ISS Dietary Safeguarding Policy Jan 2021

ISS Dietary Safeguarding Process

lunch menu 

Derwentwater Autumn Term 2024 Menu 

Packed Lunches & Snacks

Children should bring in a healthy snack for breaktime. Children in Early Years and Years 1 and 2 will be given a piece of fruit for morning break as part of the fruit for schools scheme. Children can also bring in a snack if they are attending an after-school club, this should be low sugar, low fat.

If you choose for your child to bring a lunch from home, please remember that we are a nut-free school, please do not add any nut products in your child's lunch or snack box (including nut spreads such as Nutella)

We know that it can be difficult keeping lunch and snack ideas fresh and appetising. Here are some great ideas to keep lunches and snack low sugar and low fat as part of a balanced diet.

NHS Change 4 Life packed lunch ideas

NHS Change 4 Life snack ideas

Lunch box ideas from Ealing

Healthy lunch ideas