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Parent Support Advisor

Parent Support Advisor

Maggie Hingley is the School's Parent Support Advisor.

She offers advice to parents and carers on a variety of parenting matters and on family well-being. She also gives advice on strategies to support children's learning at home.

Mrs Hingley offers help to parents/carers who would like to access the support of outside agencies such as the School Health Advisor, parenting organisations and the Borough's family support workers.

If you would like to contact Mrs Hingley for support, advice or information you can reach her on 020 8992 9296/5710.

Alternatively, she is available in the school playgrounds at dropping off time (8.40am onwards on the KS1 playground) and picking up time (3.15pm onwards on both playgrounds).

If you have any general questions or queries please contact the school office on 020 8992 5710.