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Our school underwent an Ofsted inspection in June 2019, and we are delighted to announce and celebrate that our school was recognised as ‘Good’.

Inspectors were particularly impressed with the following areas, highlighting them as strengths and offering comments of praise:

Senior leaders, teachers and teaching assistants have high expectations of pupils.

Positive relationships in all classes underpin the good teaching and pupils’ learning across the school.

Children in the early years make a good start to their learning. Activities are carefully matched to children’s needs. As a result, children develop a love of learning.

The curriculum provides pupils with varied learning experiences, which motivate and engage pupils. It contributes well to their personal and social development.

The school provides opportunities for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Pupils feel safe and look out for each other. Good behaviour and pupils’ positive attitudes permeate lessons and breaktimes.

Pupils feel a strong sense of belonging. They are self-assured and confident. As a result of the school’s strong ethos, pupils value everyone’s contributions. Everyone is warmly accepted and cared for. Older pupils support younger ones thoughtfully and with kindness.

Parents are delighted with improvements in the school. They particularly value the increased engagement they have with teachers about their children’s progress. Over the year, they have created a parent forum, and work closely with leaders to plan the development of the curriculum.

To read our full inspection report, please click the link below:

Derwentwater Ofsted - Good