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Governance and Finance

Governance and Finance

The Governing Board’s role is to oversee the school’s vision and strategic direction.

They work collaboratively with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team, holding them to account for the school’s educational performance, and to ensure financial resources are well spent.

Governors have strengthened the way they check the work of the school since the last inspection. They demonstrate a good awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the school and fulfil their roles effectively.

Ofsted, June 2019

The Governing Board consists of TWo committees:

  1. Resources Committee
  2. Pay Committee

In order to fulfil their duties, the Governing Board meet in the following ways:

  • Termly Full Governing Board meetings
  • Half-termly Resource, and Teaching and Learning Committee meetings
  • Bi-annual Governor Visit Days
  • Termly subject specific meetings

Our Governors

The Governing Board is represented by parents, the Headteacher, staff, members of the local community and the Local Authority. They are all committed to the further development of the school and the achievement of the children who attend.

Governor Newsletter Autumn Term 2024-2025

Governor Newsletter - Autumn Term 2023 - 2024

Governor Newsletter - Spring Term 2023-24

Derwentwater Primary School Register of Governor Interests/Governor Attendance

Governors Declaration & Register

Governors Declaration & Register 2023

The current members of the governing body are as follows:

  Derwentwater Governors


Governors (ID 1079)

Becoming a Governor

A Governor plays an extremely important part in formulating and driving forward the strategic direction of the school; it is a significant commitment and requires real commitment, time and effort.

  • Governors are responsible for ensuring the safety of our children, parents and staff at all times.
  • Governors are expected to fully engage in the work of the Governing Board, behaving in a respectful, positive and supportive manner with children, parents, staff and other governors.
  • Governors can also expect to experience great personal satisfaction in knowing that they are playing an essential part in the school’s continuous improvement.

If you are interested in becoming a School Governor, please contact the clerk to the Governing Body by emailing clerk@derwentwater.ealing.sch.uk or speak to the Headteacher.


School Financial Benchmarking